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My 3D Printers and Software

I bought my first 3D printer in August 2016.  This was my Wanhoa i3 Duplicator.   I had little idea how 3D printing worked until I saw a YouTube video on software slicing 3D models and printing them.  Buying a printer seemed the best way to learn more.

The Wanhoa is great printer but I have had problems with the motherboard failing [twice!].    I August this year I bought the Original Prusa I3 printer.

I have been 3D printing for over a year now and this is the hardware and software I use and recommend.

Wanhoa i3 Duplicator V2.1

The UK suppliers for Wanhoa printers are Technology Outlet, link to their site is here.
The Wanhoa printer is really great value value for money and an excellent way to get in to 3D printing.   Highly recommended.  I have always used CURA slicer with my Wanhoa.

Currently I am upgrading my Wanhoa with a new motherboard as a project, as I have had two failures with the motherboard.  The first failure was within warranty and Technology Outlet immediately sent out a new board as a replacement.   This I had to fit myself but all very straightforward.

Late this year the same issues started again with the motherboard - lost communications and intermittent heating issues, so rather than replace with the same type of board again [Meltzi], this time out of warranty,  I have bought a Duet Ethernet Board to upgrade the Wanhoa.   This is an ongoing project - watch my YouTube video here and the Duet3D site is here

Original Prusa I3 Mk2s

I had wanted one of these for ages so finally decided to buy one.  My Wanhoa motherboard had failed so I was without a printer which was just the excuse I was looking for.  I bought the built version rather than the kit, in August this year [2017]. For more info go here.

The Prusa took me a bit of getting used to, but now understood, its a really great printer. 

Slic3r software

A fantastic slicer program.  This is free software developed within the RepRap community, highly recommended, download page is here.

Netfabb Basic by Autodesk

This free version of the software allows editing of the STL files used in 3D printing.   This software allows for STL remodeling, repairing and resizing among other things. 

Go here for the Netfabb download page here:

SketchUp 3D modelling software

A great place to start learning how to create 3D models.
Go to the SketchUp download page here 

Fusion 360 by Autodesk

There is a free version of this software for students and hobbyists.  Serious software that takes time to learn and understand.   However, there are fantastic YouTube learning courses for this and its worth the effort if you really want to create your own 3D models.  I am now really beginning to be able to use the software effectively and create and print my own models.

As mentioned its free for hobbyist, check the Fusion 360 site here
I really recommend the YouTube lessons by  Paul McWhorter found here


Really great project developed by Gina Häußge - a web browser based control system for pretty much any 3D printer.   OctoPrint is best run on a Raspberry Pi which is then connected to your 3D printer via a USB cable and your home network via wifi or hardwired network cable.

You can then access your printer via your web browser and upload STL files directly to OctoPrint [no more messing around with SD cards].   Start and stop your printer, control all functions really easily.  Plus add a web camera and remotely watch your printer using MYPG-Streamer.

There is even an Raspberry Pi OctoPrint image that's makes setting up your Pi really straightforward, its called OctoPi which is a Raspian based SD card image.

Check out Toms3D web site for how easy it is to set up and system. YouTube tutorial here.
This is really worth following as its also an introduction to the Raspbian world and its language.

OctoPrint is free software plus the cost of the Pi.   Support Gina via Patron here and Gina also sells complete configured kits here.   Whats not to like about that.

DaVinci Resolve 12.5

This is great video editing package and its free to use.  A professional video editing package free! Reasonably easy to learn and there are loads of YouTube starter videos available.   There is now available the latest Resolve 14 version, again available free here.   However, when I tried the Beta version of 14, it would not run on my computer system, saying I needed to upgrade my graphics card. 

I have no dedicated card and running two DVI monitors off  the on-board GPU of my ASRock Z170 Extreme4 motherboard with 16GB of RAM, 15-600 CPU.   Maybe time to add dedicated graphics card but as Resolve-14 seems the only program to require it, and 12.5 runs fine, its a bit annoying.  Great program anyway, highly recommended.    All versions are available on the download link.


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