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CHAT Page - New!!

I thought I should try and keep all the comments and chat in one place to make it easier to follow.   What do you think?
Say hello in the comment section below - it good to talk.!

Nigel and Colin love to chat...


  1. Hi Kyle....been watching your very informative videos....very useful as we have also gone down the ezbv4 route and have found it quite quick to get basics up and running with head eyes and jaw all working and some basic 'intelligence' applied with the speach recogition and movement frames....now have torso done and prining about to start on shoulder and right arm....would you be able to share your inmoov graphics for the servo pages please....thanks!

  2. Hello - yes more than happy to share the graphics. Whats your email? I will send my EZB file and you can extract the graphics pages.

  3. Glad to see you are helping out! More than I can say for me, I'm just hunkering down, enjoying the rain and working on wrapping up my latest book. Oh, and printing a training droid. :)
    Keep up the great work!

    1. Training Droid sound interesting, tell me more. Good luck with your book and keep safe.

  4. Hi Kyle, I would like to ask you a question ifn its possible.
    I would like to realise the Inmoov robot (i'll start with the hyand right now) , is it possible to use a resin 3D printer ?
    Thank you in advence


    1. Hello Wael, I would think its a question of if you can print the largest InMoov parts in your resin printer? The InMoov will print on a 120mm x 120mm minimum bed size I believe [see here - http://inmoov.fr/]. I have never used that sort of printer so maybe its a question for the InMoov forum on the InMoov website. I would think you could print the hand pieces at least. Let me know how you get on, most interested to see the results, kyle

    2. Hey Kyle! Thanks for documenting all of your progress with InMoov, your website / YT channel have been a really big help for me. I have a really simple question that I can't seem to find the answer to anywhere. How did you mount your EZ-B4 controller on the back of your InMoov?

    3. Hello, the EZB4 can be taken apart, so I removed the top section and just used self tap screws to fix the base part to the back of the InMoov body where it fitted best. I think I drilled some extra holes in the EZB base part for the screws. Then refitted the top section of the EZB4. A bit of trial and error to get it all to line up and look OK. Have fun with your InMoov build. I can send you my EZB files if you want, Kyle.

  5. Hi Kyle,
    Greetings from Sydney Aus.
    Thanks for the vids- a great help to see someone else doing an Inmoov.
    I have just started mine with the head. Doing the printing and assy as it is printed. The biggest decision is which remix to use. I am doing Gaels new neck design. Still deciding on eyes.
    Having trouble with bed adhesion and have resorted to hotmelt glueing the raft down.
    Is there an alternative to the big servos that are used? they are a bit pricey... looking for a cheaper replacement.
    I am using a Flashforge Finder printer.
    Thanks, Doug.

  6. Hello Doug, glad you like the videos and hope your having fun making your InMoov. Have you tried using masking tape as a base for printing on? I once used super glue to hold down a model whilst printing, so know how annoying it can be. I have generally found Gaels STL files to be very good and have always printed InMoov at a highish resolution, certainly not warping on the head parts myself.
    I think there are servo adapter kits on thingyverse to use smaller servo bodies in the InMoov head, remember seeing something once.
    Its a bit confusing with the head and all the various options available, I just printed lots and saw what fitted best!

  7. Hi Kyle, I have a question about the servos on the top stomach, maybe you will help be with it. As I understand, on one servo you need to remove the pot and the board and on the other only disassemble the pot and use it on the potholder. Is this right? Or is one pot still in the servo?
    Many thanks

    1. Hello. What happens is you have a master control servo and a slave servo. So the master servo is connected your control system as normal. The slave servo has its control board and Pot removed. You then wire the two servo motors in parallel. So when the master servo motor operates, so does the slave servo. So solder onto the tabs of the actual motors themselves and runs a pair of wires to the other one. In effect, one servo board/pot is controlling two actual motors.

      Remember to remove the pin that stops the servo motors from continuously turning. This is because of the external gearing used, the motors turn more than 180-deg. This to be done on both servos.

      I think you need to swap the positive/negative wires around to the slave motor so it rotates in the opposite direction [I need to watch my own video to remind myself, its been a while]

  8. I have an EX-B v3 and I am having trouble getting the new Synthiam software to work with it. Do you have a copy of the old EZ-Builder software? I used it a few years ago and I recently dug up the controller but can't find the old software anywhere?

    1. Hell, sorry to take so long to reply, I missed this comment. I have had a look for the old install file but cannot find any so far. Will keep looking.
      I am thinking of using a different system as I see that EZB now charge to use the software which I could accept if it was wasn't such a large amount of money. Very wrong of them I think.

  9. Hi Kyle, haven't seen you update lately. Are you well? Did the Mrs. drag you off for other things?
    I'm trying to get back into my R2, I painted the ankle and tried to assemble it but getting those nuts in the slots is a pain! I have one stuck and I was wondering how you did it. Did they really just pop in for you?

  10. Hi, just chillin for a while. I have painted my R2 and its mostly assembled but have no where to keep it so bits a hanging off my workshop roof as before. Been working on new control boards but nowhere ready yet to install them. Also suddenly really busy elsewhere but that's good as it makes me want to make hobby stuff!


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