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Welcome to my Blog

This blog is associated with my YouTube videos and shows the ongoing building of "Nigel" my InMoov robot and "Colin" his personal Droid [well its an R2D2 really].  Nigels YouTube Site

The brilliant InMoov robot is designed by Gael Langevin who has published the whole of the robot parts as STL 3D printable pieces.  All free under licence.

The equally brilliant R2D2 is created by Michael Baddeley and free under licence.  Again, all the STL parts are free to download on his website.

For a quick subject search, look under the "Categories" drop-down menu on the left of the page. There are also other subjects there to look at.

Enjoy and please subscribe to this build blog!  Oh, and if you like a bit of gardening and photography - please have a quick look at my other blog here

Nigel with Colin's help created their own Facebook page here
