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R2D2 3D Printing Building

R2D2 time!

I have been busy printing a new project - the R2D2 3D full scale droid.   

This is using the excellent designs by Michael Baddeley, you can find the designs and loads more information on his Patreon page here.   Support Michael on Patreon if you can afford to do so!

There is also a 3D printing site called appropriately enough 3DPrintedDroids here [link Edited 26 Oct 2019]

For in depth knowledge on the whole R2D2 world, no better place to go the Astromech site here and also check out the various UK sites associated with them. 

For an in depth R2D2 R6 droid build, check out James Brutons 3D printed 2-3-2 droid build here

Also there is a Dalek site here!!   If I had the workshop space, I would be building one of these as well.   You can view all the plans for many different Dalek's when you register on the site.

I am not going to show any structural build drawings for the R2D2 as there are strict club/forum rules about sharing layouts outside of the community, so join the forums for detailed information.  I will be doing detailed layouts for the software and electronics side of things.

The Printing time

These prints are really big and take a long time, so far the the dome pieces times are between 24-hours and 30-hours each.  The main body pieces look to take even longer.  I accidentally sliced the DOME  sections at 0.15 and not 0.3 layer height as advised, so future printing times look shorter.

I have seen one estimate of the printing times and parts to be [phul007 blog comments]
25 kilos of filament [approx]
2500 plus hours printing [approx]

I am not sure how this compares to the InMoov build as I have not kept accurate records unfortunately, but I have kept records of the InMoov leg build so will add that all up and update this page later.

Update to InMoov printing times.   I did not keep records when I printed the arms, torso & head, but I did record the amount of filament and printing time for the LEGS.  2000-meters PLA [6-reels approx] and 642-hours of printing time. I would guess that the rest of the InMoov took 2-3 times that amount of time & plastic again. 

Control systems

The long printing time will at least will give me time to continue with other build projects and also think about the control system for this R2D2. 

There are several ways to automate the Droid and have a read through some of the really good blogs on the Astromech.net site.   They have developed the PADAWAN control system so that seems a great place to start.   Several versions of this systems with PS3 and 360 control handsets exist. 

James Bruton has also shown and published his control systems for the R6 Droid [see part-7 of his video build series on the R6], this using Arduinos and a modified RC handset.

I think I am going to use the Ez-Robot control system however, the main reason being is that I have a spare V4 controller that came with a kit I bought in the sales over Christmas.    Also I see that I can control the system using my iPhone [or Android] and also with the Sony handsets.   The Handsets will be the best way I think to control the droid.  The kit also comes with two continuous HD servos that will come in handy.  Plus four normal HD servos, a sensor and a camera, so a bargain kit.

BryanBot keeping an eye on the build...

loosely bolted together for the moment...

January 2018..

Here is a picture of the order that the gear rings are assembled in.  Note they run anti-clockwise


  1. Hi Kyle,
    This is Chris.
    How many 3mm pins did you have to put in? Did you use Epoxy? I have 7 but I have the extra door. I'm wondering if there are any I've missed.
    I tried your trick with the 3D pen with mixed results. I tried it on a couple of projects first. When I tried to buzz off the excess with my dremel it didn't work out as planned, sometimes ripping it out of the gap and sometimes glogging the tip or a divit where I didn't want.
    I'm debating on other applications. I definitely want to put it in the dome to reduce or eliminate the cracks.

    1. Hi Chris do you mean the the pins for the door hinges? I haven't actually completed the hinges yet, still painting [though have been away so nothing done last few weeks]. Hoping to get back to it all soon. Definitely keep at with the 3D pen, well worth it. I ended up using a soldering iron to really gouge into the joins with the dome pieces, then filling with standard body filler and sanding it back.

    2. Hi Kyle,
      Yeah, I meant those, I think I found them all. Some of the hinge pins have to go in before you glue the rings together.
      I've been trolling your blog and envious of your progress. Did you glue the body rings together permanently?
      I tried the 3D pen after getting some serious cracking issues, it fixed all but 1 crack so far. Filing them down was a pain. I didn't quite get them perfect.
      I can't believe how gorgeous your sanding job is! lol It shows I'm not as patient and as thorough as you are!

  2. Hi Chris, I haven't glued all the body rings together yet but have started to fill and sand the sections. Not had any time to really work on the droid for the last few months unfortunately. But now the weather is warm for working on sanding outside I will get going again. Have fun.

  3. Ah.
    I was wondering about that. I'm trying to get into that 3D printed droid forum you recommended but the admin won't let me in. I can login but it won't let me post or contact anyone. I'm keen to talk to Martyman and ask about infill for his 2-3-2 design. I started buying stuff for it and printing bits.
    For me it is getting TOO warm here. in the high 90's today, it is supposed to get into the 100's by Friday. Not fun.

  4. You need to contact LarryJ the admin man. If you are still having problems let me know

  5. Hi Kyle,
    I tried to contact LarryJ 3 times, no response.

    BTW, in what order did you glue the dome gear ring? I thought I had it right but when I went to test fit the ring to my lazy susan it was way off.

    Oh! If you want to add the bit of structure to the underside of the dome pie pieces, Helmet put them up on https://astromech.technology/. You have to give them your email and confirm you are on astromech.net before you can download.
    I just snagged my copy.

    1. Hi Chris, thanks for the link to dome pie mechanism. Wow, great stuff.
      The dome ring parts are numbered but if I remember correctly, they go anti-clockwise around? Check Michael's instructions, although they are not that clear but I think he mentions it. I bolted it temporarily together and tested before gluing.
      Still had issues and unglued parts anyway! Super glue solvent is great.

      Have you had any response from 3dprinteddroids? Have you registered OK and received an acknowledgement at all?

  6. Hi Kyle,
    Pie mechanism: Yeah, there are some nice things there. The community is cool.
    Dome ring parts: They are A-I. I did check his instructions, they were unclear and the images were unmarked.
    Yeah, I just checked "attaching the Susan" and he doesn't mention the order of pieces for the inner gear ring.
    "The ring assembly has three main parts (you need to assembly these first if you
    haven’t already.
    First the Inner Gear, the Lazy Susan ..."
    You get the idea. He was more focused on the order of the rings over how to assemble that ring.

    I have A-B-D-C (since it is a double female) E-F-G (another double female)-H and then I in the center. D and H are the parts that connect to the center with 2 male ends.

    I unfortunately glued mine together thinking I had the order correct. I'll have to try that glue solvent again.

    No response from 3Dprinteddroids. I registered and didn't get an acknowledgement.
    I tried 3X to contact Larry the administrator, no response.
    I can log in, but I can't post or do anything. It is silly.

    I'm currently printing Martyman's 2-3-2 design. The 50% infill is a killer though. I've had 1 clog half way through a 16 hour print and wanted to commit sepukku over it when I found out, hours later. Or go on a rampage. lol

    1. Hi Chris
      I have just uploaded a picture showing the order of the rings, on this page [just above]

    2. Thanks for that Kyle.
      I went clockwise, my mistake.

      I've been painting the vents and stuff today. Masking the V2 ones are a pain! I see why he changed the design!
      Oh, did I mention the jig to put the back door together? It is on thingiverse:

      I also apparently didn't print enough coin returns. I need to look into that. I was thinking of printing one of these for the rear:

  7. Morning Kyle. Thanks for your you tube videos. Very helpful. What screws have you used to secure the top ring to the body. I know the lazy susan attaches to the top ring via bolts but no idea how to secure the top ring to the body without glue? Thank u.

    1. Hi, sorry for late reply. Mine is not attached so can lift off, its just slotted on over bolt heads. have a look at this picture (ignore the plane!) and you can see the bolts sticking up. The ring just slots over them and the dome sites on the ring bolts

  8. Thanks for your amazing videos on you tube. Do you know if the standard size leg on R2 is to scale or the long leg version?


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