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Bryan the Head Bot

Blog post
Dated: 9th November 2017

My new InMoov Head-Bot is beginning to take shape!    I am building another InMoov head specifically for this "table-top" project.     The idea being that he will be controlled by Google API-AI and also possibly SIMLBot software.   All EZ-B V4 controlled.

Just need to decide on the neck mechanism to use.

The Google API.AI is very interesting to use and I have it responding with the EZ-Builder API.AI plugin.   Next stage will be to get the Google API side linked fully to the internet so I can request google searches and so on.   Read further about the API, now called Dialogflow here: https://dialogflow.com/docs/integrations/google-assistant

I have also been looking at the Pandorabot chatbot, see here: https://playground.pandorabots.com/en/
This version of Pandorabot is "sandboxed" so no access to the web etc unless you pay a fee.

They still have their older free version here: https://www.pandorabots.com/botmaster/en/home and EZ-Builder have a plugin for the older version.

There is another chatbot worth looking at which is the SIMLBot software, see this tutorial document: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Zz9gcSuaMl5A-QQZ5ag5ulctKfp3uI3yGr8jmABkCiI/pub?start=true&loop=false&delayms=30000&slide=id.g35f391192_00

Jean Luc has made a SIMLBot plugin for EZ-Builder here: https://www.ez-robot.com/Tutorials/UserTutorials/201/1

So I think I am going to concentrate on the Dialogflow setup for generally controlling things via speech commands but according to Dave Cochran's blog, he recommends to have a separate chatbot for general conversation.    That will hopefully be the SIMLBot end of things.  Check out Dave Cochran discussing & using Dialogflow with Ez-Builder here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGDQ6hnp-UU

Ultimately I want my tabletop ChatBot to run on a Latte Panda miniature Windows-10 board, the whole thing battery based, wifi connectable.
