Colin the R2D2 updates
I am testing out the loudspeakers for my R2D2
I have modified my EZ-V4 controller for an external audio output socket and its connected to a two-channel 50watt/4ohm audio amplifier [TPA3116D2 amplifier from Amazon].
You can also see my InMoov head in this picture, as I am modifying the jaw and loudspeaker. I plan on getting my InMoov and R2D2 talking to each other soon.
These are the loudspeakers I have bought, fitted to the "speaker mount" plate. These are DROK 15watt/4ohm speakers from Amazon.
I printed the FLEX/Ninja top & bottom baffles and tried them but decided to use the original design, the "Front Vent Bracket" part. This when printed and fitted, pushes the "speaker plate" too far out of the R2D2 body, so I filed back the supports holding the plate until it fitted more snugly. The two vents sit slightly more proud.
I don't think this part is available for download anymore, but check with LarryJ on the forums for info on that [see here]
Thanks for mentioning the part names, I hit Amazon and stuffed them into my Astromech wish list for later shopping! :)
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