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R2D2 painting and preparation goes on...

Droid Dome preparation

I have "welded" the seams together of the dome as I was concerned about cracks appearing when painted.  

The lower base ring of the dome has always slightly snagged on the lasy-susan, despite all attempts at sanding out the inner surface.   So I decided to strip it apart by un-gluing it with CA solvent.  

I separated all the pieces and re-assembled them with a gap between them of about 1.5mm by using paper wedges, then screwed it all together again tightly.  I filled the gaps with PLA using my new 3D pen and welded the edges together as you can see in the pictures.   Not particularly pretty but its works now and no rubbing on the lasy-susan finally. 


Here you can see I have attached the top section of the dome finally. Also initial  filling and sanding down of the welds on the joins on the main dome.  

Several coats off primer and filler later...

A bit more sanding to go.  Next will be an undercoat of black paint, followed by a metallic "gunmetal" paint.  Finally I am planning to paint the dome a dark red [Halfords Ford Radiant Red paint colour]

The plan then is to slightly weather the dome edges so it looks like metal showing through the red paint finish. That's the plan anyway!

Here is the main R2D2 body with initial filler applied.   There are warping gaps but generally its not too bad

Front bay and arms

Lots of sanding and filling going on ...

And also reprinting the back door pieces as they were never very good first attempt and all warped
