Sanding Day
No painting today but lots of filling and sanding instead. Yesterday I belatedly glued the base ring to the two upper rings and left it setting overnight. So time to fill the join between the rings.
The top and bottom sections aligned perfectly at the front and back but at the sides there is about a 1mm offset. So an overhang one side and underhang the other. But not to bad and I've filled and sanded it and now filled it again.
I had also glued the top caps to the foot sections yesterday and here is one after filler and sanding. Looking good.
The top and bottom sections aligned perfectly at the front and back but at the sides there is about a 1mm offset. So an overhang one side and underhang the other. But not to bad and I've filled and sanded it and now filled it again.
These pictures are of the back and it aligns well
At the side you can see the slight overhang, below. I have just added more filler.
And also added filler to the arm compartments again
I had also glued the top caps to the foot sections yesterday and here is one after filler and sanding. Looking good.
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