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Spitfire - All glued together now

Spitfire on the bench - a great fun print, cheap as it uses so little filament [186m], so less than £10.   It took 57:36mins to print it all.   The Mylar sheet cost  £3:39 off eBay.  Excluding all the electronics of course. Check out 3DLabPrint for the files

just as well the wings come off as I have no room in the workshop
Ailerons with Mylar hinges
Next job is to fit the small servos and linkages
Elevators on the tail, again with Mylar hinges
Wing catch mechanism

Slot in the leading edge of the wing to take the sliding bolt
Rear side of the wing and the wide slot edge and corresponding gap

Needs a bit of tidying up around the edges, now I have cut out the base access 
Printable prop but only for show. 
