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Charge Port Servo close up

Some close up pictures of the Charge Port servo and I how its mounted.   This is inspired by "mascals" thingiverse: 3117594 door opening mechanism.   However, I had not printed and installed the actual framework for this so its a scratch-build mod.

I have used "mascals" servo holder but mounted it slightly offset to get it to work for my R2.  To support the servo, I modified some old parts I had lying around from other projects.  Basically you need a right-angle support bracket as you can see in the pictures below. 

This could all be properly 3D printed but I have not done that.

See below for the bracket arm and wire control. The tricky part was to drill the hole in the correct place

In the picture below, the actual servo holder is "mascals" design and the support section is just scratch-made from old parts I had lying around.

I guessed approximately where the hole should go for the wire and its fine. 


  1. I think I remember sending that Mascal mod to you. I'm glad you figured out how to deconstruct it to make your own. Looks good!
    I bought the wrong wire for my Life Scanner, I found out last night. It is 22 gauge but it is 2.6mm versus the standard 1.5mm. It looks absurd so I ordered one from Remington. I wish it would warm up here, it was 24F here this morning. Bloody cold for Socal, and too cold to be in the garage!


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