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3D Printed Cessna

I couldn't resits printing another 3D printed plane.   This is the Cessna  152 trainer from 3D Labprint.  

You can find the details here 

These planes are so big, I have trouble taking pictures in my small workshop.  Here is the body and wings sitting on my R2 droid.   

Nearly finished this and also some updates to my R2 droid but my Prusa printer needs repairing so 3D printing on a temporary hold for now. 

And the wings.  They have flaps and aileron's.  

The wheels.   The front wheel has a steering servo. 

3D printed ninja flex tyres


  1. Wow! That thing is big, like an albatross! Cool! Nice.
    The steerable landing gear cracks me up. Wow. Talk about attention to detail!
    Did you print that in PLA or something else? Or a mix?
    What did you do to your printer? Or should I say, what did it do to itself?
    I've gone through 3 beds for the Ender 3 printing the V3 PETG parts for the drive and center foot. I'm down to 4 PETG parts left, 1 is printing now. But the big ones are 36 hour prints and require supports, a nightmare with PETG.

    1. Yes its a cool plane! All PLA apart from the tyres that are Ninjatek. My printers busted at the moment, kept having thermal runaway and overheating. I have got the replacement parts from Prusa but haven't fitted them yet. I bought the upgrade kit for my printer last year so will upgrade & repair it over Christmas time probably. Need to finish off the Cessna, almost all complete. The 3D printer in the picture is my old Wanhoa that I am slowly modifying & rebuilding. Its basically complete with a new power supply and control board, I just need to add auto levelling to it [a compression sensor] bought the parts but not finished it. One day...

    2. Cool! I had that issue with thermal runaway with my Ender 3. I got rid of the clips to the hot end that I added and that solved the problem. Odd, I had the same problem with the S4 at the same time but the clips were installed months apart.
      I am printing Christmas gifts now on the S4, (Big Ben for a countrywoman of yours) but I was printing PETG 2-3-2 parts on the Ender 3 yesterday.
      I am almost to the point of needing to mess with Ninjatek on the Ender 3 for all the tires and bits.

      You could always ask Santa for a store bought cheap plane to play with! :) Of course he might give you a paper airplane kit instead! lol


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